

On October 15, Hongchen Group organized and carried out emergency rescue drills for production safety and environmental pollution accidents in 2022 to further strengthen production safety and fire safety management, enhance employees' awareness of fire safety, and improve emergency response capabilities for production safety accidents.

"Woo-woo--" Hearing the fire alarm, the personnel in the packaging workshop of the second logistics department immediately stopped working,and a tense emergency drill officially kicked off. The workshop staff covered their mouths and noses and trotted all the way to the open space according to the command to line up the team in an orderly manner, count the number of people and report.


◆Fire evacuation drill

This drill set up five links: fire escape, hazardous chemicals warehouse safety, plant environmental pollution, fire fighting knowledge and fire hydrant and fire extinguisher operation. Check the degree of employees' mastery of environmental protection and fire safety knowledge, and use drills to improve employees' ability to deal with unexpected environmental incidents, put out initial fires and escape from fires, further consolidate environmental protection and fire protection knowledge, and cultivate employees' awareness of environmental protection and fire safety.


◆Fire extinguisher operation drill

This activity has effectively improved the safety awareness of the employees of the group company, and created a good atmosphere of "everyone stresses safety and everything is safe". Safety production work has only a starting point and no end point. In the next step, the group company will continue to increase the publicity of "Safety Production Month", tighten the safety strings and not relax, continue to strengthen the accident handling capacity, and continuously improve the level of emergency rescue, so as to provide a safe and stable production environment for the employees of the group company.

Post time: Oct-21-2022