

Sometimes people feel that their vision is blurred, some of which are related to eye discomfort caused by using the eyes for too long, some are related to eye diseases, and some are related to systemic diseases.
Therefore, it is necessary to go for a checkup when you feel blurred vision. Let's take a look at what checks should be done for blurred vision.

01External eye examination
Eyelids Generally, eyelid lesions rarely cause blurred vision. Only when eyelid lesions cause irritating factors, blurred vision will occur. Such as eyelid entropion, eversion, trichiasis, conjunctival stones, blepharitis, epilepsy scar formation, etc.
Corneal pannus, infiltration, ulcer, scar, degeneration, foreign body, deformity; anterior chamber depth, aqueous humor turbidity, empyema, blood, exudate; iris color, texture, defect (congenital, surgery), nodules, atrophy, anteroposterior synechiae, tremor; pupil shape, size, edge, light response. Whether there is exudate, pigment, etc. in the pupil area; whether the crystal exists, its position and transparency.

02 Vitreous body and fundus examination

Fundus examination is an important method to check for vitreous, retinal, choroidal and optic nerve diseases.
An ophthalmoscope is required to check the fundus. At present, direct ophthalmoscopy is often used to observe whether there is turbidity, hemorrhage, liquefaction, denaturation, foreign bodies, parasites, etc. in the vitreous.

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03 Special inspection

① Slit lamp microscope examination: suitable for patients with eye diseases and healthy people.

② Visual field inspection method: It is divided into dynamic and static inspections, using moving visual targets to measure points of equal sensitivity, the connected lines are called equal sight lines, and the peripheral contours of the visual field are recorded.
③ Retinoscopy and audition: Observe the movement through the retinoscopy mirror, and use the lens to dissolve the movement, and finally find the position of the neutral point, so as to judge the nature and degree of the subject's refractive error.
④ Measurement of intraocular pressure and exophthalmos: Measurement of intraocular pressure in glaucoma is essential.

04 Instrument inspection with blurred vision

① Fundus fluorescein angiography

Fundus fluorescein angiography is an inspection method in which dyes that can produce fluorescent effects are quickly injected into blood vessels, and at the same time, an ophthalmoscope or fundus camera with a color filter is used to observe or take pictures.

It can further understand the microstructure, dynamic changes and functional changes of the fundus blood circulation (up to the capillary level), and provide more and more detailed diagnostic basis for fundus diseases.

② Visual electrophysiological examination
Visual electrophysiological examination includes three parts: electrooculogram (EOG), electroretinogram (ERG) and visual evoked potential (VEP).

It can be used for the diagnosis and follow-up of retinitis pigmentosa, vitamin deficiency, achromatopsia, retinal detachment, yolk-like macular degeneration, drug-toxic retinopathy, retinal vascular disease, choroiditis, optic neuropathy, visual pathopathy, macula, etc.

③ Image inspection
Including orbital X-ray examination, ultrasound exploration, CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and so on. It can display ocular structure and pathological changes, and can achieve the purpose of direct inspection of ocular opaque tissues.

Post time: Jun-15-2023